TGM (Apr. 2022)

Well another month has flown by and hopefully you have added some nice pieces to your notgeld collections. I am continuing to add new articles to the website and also add new notes to the website shop. Please do take a look as there are some very interesting and scarcer pieces, that you often won’t find for sale anywhere else. (Most pieces have come from my own private collection that I am slowly selling off). New GNCC members are joining each month, so if they post in the forum, so as always, please make them very welcome. On the homepage, I now mention the current membership total and the latest member (name only).

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the notgeld forum, showing us all new pieces recently acquired and interesting information about them. We all learn this way and our hobby truly does become a fantastic one to be involved with. I will always keep my eyes on posts but apologise now if my replies are not too timely. Like everyone I guess, life is busy, busy, busy!!

I am awaiting a few notes to arrive which I will endeavour to show and tell you all about, as the weeks go on.. I am again involved with lots of notgeld work and research, which in time, I hope you will all see and be able to enjoy. Currently, I am trying to find out a bit of information about 2 small card pieces I bought a few days ago. I will probably write an article in the coming weeks on those as and when I find more info. about them.

Stay safe and keep notgeld collecting!!