For this month’s news I want to briefly write about my latest notgeld ‘project’. I am writing a new book entitled ‘VARIANT GEMS‘.
The publication will be heavily biased towards the serienscheine variations but will also include a few other notes that I have come across and always check for differences if they come my way. I can’t list every single variant out there as there are just too many. I can help collectors though, by detailing variants to keep an eye out for and showing different types of variants so that experience increases. When new notgeld are being sorted, the collector will then have the knowledge to look at things that might be different. Things like, serial number size and colour, serial number format, serial number placing, watermark, missing serial numbers, printer name differences, colour variations and small differences in graphics that are not too obvious. Most of the variant pieces are listed in Lm ‘Band 2 : Spezialkatalog’ but it is hard to decipher. If I can show some good examples of what to look out for, the collector will learn what pieces to really concentrate on. My real aim is to detail ALL the slight differences in the actual serienscheine graphics………like the Bielefeld devil’s tail, the Auenbuell double oak spelling difference and the Keitum fish fins etc. etc. …..but it has become somewhat more than that!!
Currently, I am just short of 600 pages!