TGM (Mar. 2023)

I have been busily sorting through lots and lots of notgeld pieces here, keeping myself busy on the colder days when I can’t get out to cycle. Hopefully those days are becoming fewer and as the daylight hours become longer, the chances of me cycling increase.

The website articles have been growing in number and members can read all the new ones from the homepage, if they are logged in. There is some fabulous information and some really interesting stuff. I have also added scans to a lot of the ‘subject’ articles like ‘Iron Cross’ and ‘maps’. If you stumble upon anything not shown in one of the articles, please do give me a shout! There is a fascinating new article about the Schoetmar 3m note and we eagerly await scans of ‘unseen’ Schoetmar drafts that will be included somewhere when we have them. Research is fantastic when a ‘new’ piece is ‘discovered’!!

As always, good luck to all collectors in finding new additions for their collections.

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