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TGM’s GNCC notgeld Forum
What is notgeld?
Valuations from ‘’
Issues (German) – basic
*Issues (German) – detailed
Issues (non-German)
Issues (non German)
*Bohemia & Moravia
Italian notgeld
Latvian notgeld
External Website Links
The German ‘Mark’
Useful notgeld ‘glossary’
*German-Polish town names
*German / Danish notgeld
*German / Russian notgeld
*This piece is a modern forgery / replica
*German banknotes with advertisements
1914 & 1915
1914 & 1915 Intro.
1914 & 1915 Intro.
1914 & 1915 Intro (extra)
specific towns
*Grohn – RARE set from 1914
*private issues
*coloured private issues
*rectangular brown card pieces
*Similar designs on verk. issues
specific towns
A – L
*Ettal (Monastery)
*Koeln & Koeln-Dellbrueck – postage
M – Z
*Wildungen, Bad
*Wilkau (Max Planitzer)
Serienscheine Intro
Serienscheine Intro.
*Serienscheine Intro (extra)
series – general
*a ‘complete picture’ is created
*’Issue dates’ on serienscheine
*Plebiscite notgeld issues
*serienscheine variants
*variants – a basic list
*variants – info with pictures
*Similar designs on serienscheine
*Serial numbers
*Town names spelt out…..
Unissued drafts
*Schoetmar – unissued/draft notgeld!
*very scarce & rare pieces
*rare unpictured pieces
series – ‘people’
*notgeld artists
*List of notgeld artists
Notgeld artists (A-L)
*Notgeld artists (A)
*Notgeld artists (B)
*Notgeld artists (C)
*Notgeld artists (D)
*Notgeld artists (E)
*Notgeld artists (F)
*Notgeld artists (G)
*Notgeld artists (H)
*Notgeld artists (I – J)
*Notgeld artists (K)
*Notgeld artists (L)
Notgeld artists (M-Z)
*Notgeld artists (M)
*Notgeld artists (N)
*Notgeld artists (O)
*Notgeld artists (P-Q)
*Notgeld artists (R)
*Notgeld artists (S)
*Notgeld artists (T)
*Notgeld artists (U-V)
*Notgeld artists (W)
*Notgeld artists (X-Z)
*Notgeld artists (queries)
Specific artists (A-L)
*’Alfred Hanf’ book illustrator & artist
*’Franz Juettner’ (artist)
*’Georg Goldstein’
*’Georg Koetschau’ (artist)
*’Georg Schleinitz’ (artist)
*’Hans J Philipp’ (architect/artist)
*’Heinrich Appel’ (swindler)
*Heinz Schiestl (graphic artist)
Specific artists (M-Z)
*’Oskar Herrfurth’ (illustrator)
*’Wilhelm Busch’ (poet & cartoonist)
*’Willi Lange’ (artist)
*’Willi H Lippert’ (artist)
*’Konrad Hanf’ (printing house)
*’Louis Koch’ (printer)
Specific towns
towns (A – L)
*Ahaus – set of 2
*Altenburg (Skat series)
*Altona (comical set)
*Artern (Part 1) – Barchword en Odarn
*Artern (Part 2) – ‘Entente’
*Barntrup 1m design
Berlin – ‘Bund der Guten’
*Berlin – ‘Taegliche Rundschau’
*Bielefeld ‘RUBCHEN’ 6
*Bielefeld 2m & 5m notes
*Bismark set of 6
C – D
*Crefeld & Moenchengladbach
*Dermbach hiking club
*Detmold (rare)
*Doebeln (Ritter Staupitz-Geld)
*Elmshorn – story of money
*Freiburg (‘Passionsspiele’)
*Frose – puzzle pieces
*Geldern – ‘Gelderland’
*Glauchau – scarce
Goerlitz (round)
*Halle – Zoologischer Garten
*Hamm specimen pieces
*Horn – scenic rock formations
*Huettenhausen & Rheinhausen
I – J
*Iserlohn – a scarce set of 6!
*Luebeck – stamp exhibition notgeld
towns : (M – Z)
*Magdeburg (Herrenabend)
*Memel (Klaipeda) – warning!!
*Muenster (hotel & kaffee Kaiserhof)
N – O
*Neuhaus (Wfl).
*Neustadt (depicting German colonies)
*Nuernberg (Nuremberg)!
*Nuernberg (rare)
*Oldenburg i. O.
*Oldesloe, Bad
P – R
*Schoetmar – 3 mark pieces
*Stralsund – ‘spielkarton’
*Stuttgart (Koenigsdragoner)
*Sulza, Bad
T – V
*Thale (AS) pieces
W – Z
*Warnitz – German/Danish
*Artistic examples
*Anti-Semitic (AS)…..or NOT!!
*Baustein from Rathenow
*Chess pieces
*Error notes
*Jungdo issues
*’Kleinscheck’ pieces/sets – part 1
*’Kleinscheck’ pieces/sets – part 2
*Red Cross issues (Rotes Kreuz)
*’splittable’ notgeld
*’Steel Helmet’ organisations
*Unissued printer drafts – ‘ghost towns’
*’The white lady’
Series overprints
*Series overprints (OVP’s) – A
*Series overprints (OVP’s) – B
*Used serienscheine
Nate’s serienscheine catalogue
Grossgeld 1918-21
Grossgeld Intro.
*Grossgeld – a common graphic (A)
*Grossgeld – a common graphic (B)
*Similar designs on ‘Grossgeld’ (1918)
specific towns
A – L
*Buss (Saar) – payday vouchers!
*Duesseldorf – ‘cheque’ banknotes
*Koeln ‘MUSTER W.P.&C’ (1918) notes
M – Z
*Marienburg Westpr.
*Neustadt a.d.Orla
*Offenburg (Kahla overprints)!
*Ruhla (Grossgeld 1918)
*Stralsund (oddity)!!
Inflation 1922
Inflation 1922 Intro
specific towns
*Bielefeld 1000m (paper)
*Heidelberg (1922)
*Konstanz Am Bodensee
*Gotha 1922 issues
Inflation 1923
Inflation 1923 Intro
specific towns / banks
A – G
*Annaberg (‘Altershilfe’)
*Bergzabern 500,000m
*Duelken – ‘carnival’!!
*Duisburg (‘Kupferhuette’)
*Gross-Salze / Schoenebeck
H – L
*Hameln Inflation notes
*Herbolzheim – special paper
*Itzehoe – Wenzel Hablik
*Kusel – star punched pieces
*Laegerdorf (BPCF)
*Leverkusen (BAYER) Paint Factory
*Ludwigshafen BASF overprints (A)
*Ludwigshafen BASF overprints (B)
M – R
*Mainz (‘Katholisches’)
*Meissen (paper notes)
*Meissen (on hand-made paper)
*Mosbach – ‘OVP’ (overprinted / revalued)
*Neustadt an der Aisch
*Neustadt (clock-seller)
*Neu-Ulm – print error
S – Z
*Saulgau (AOK issues)
*Stormarn / Wandsbek (Swan)
*Fingerprint ‘signature’
*Dynamite (Nobel)!
*GSG (Saxony Giro issues)
*Gutschein des Reichspostministeriums
*Inflation cancellations
*Inflation overprints
* ‘Billions’!
*’Herbert Bayer’ (Bauhaus graphic designer)
*Similar designs on Inflation issues
Wertbestaendige Intro.
*commodities (Intro)
*commodities – (full list?)
*Why are notes in amounts of Rye?
specific towns
*Glogau ‘share’ notgeld
*Hamburg (Maizena)
*Meissen (goldmarks)
*Oldenburg (rye)
Rye issuing authorities
*Roggenscheine (Rye) Intro.
*Angermuende ‘roggenscheine’
*Neubrandenburg ‘roggenscheine’
Stamp like pieces
*Passau stamp-like pieces
‘KGL’ / ‘P.O.W’
‘KGL’ / ‘P.O.W’ Intro
notgeld 1945-1948
*Notgeld issues of 1945-1948
*New notgeld categories
Austrian Notgeld
Austrian notgeld Intro
specific towns
*Altenburg (‘Totenschein’)
*Altenmarkt (postcards)
*Eisenerz – Alpine Mining (prisoners)!
*St. Georgen im Attergau
*St. Martin – blocks of 4!
*Schoenberg (rare)!!
*’joke’ notgeld
*Ration cards (Austrian)
*reused card (Austrian)
*reused paper (Austrian)
*wallpaper (Austrian)
Notgeld by ‘material’
*List of materials used
A – L
*Aluminium foil
*notgeld coal coins
Leather pieces
*Leather pieces
*Poessneck (leather for shoes)!!
M – Z
*Porcelain coins
*Pressed card
*Railway ticket
*reused card
*clocking-in card
*ration cards
*Shares certificate
*reused paper
*reused paper intro.
*Calendar pages
*Lottery ticket
*wicker goods brochure pages (Lichtenfels)
*Spielkarten (playing cards)
*Unusual paper types
*wooden notgeld
STOFFGELD (Bielefeld material pieces)
(not goldmarks)
*Bielefeld Intro.
*Bielefeld linen 25m (red, blue & black)
*The ‘healing pool’ note
*Blfld 100m – a study
*Bielefeld 100m notes
*Bielefeld 100m embroidered note
*Bielefeld 1000m pieces
*Bielefeld 10000m graphics
*Blfld ‘Kurrent’ script
*Bielefeld stamp marks
*silver colouring on stoffgeld
*Bielefeld 1 goldmark
*Velvet (extra info.)
*Bielefeld 2 characters
*notgeld – non paper, not Band 9
Notgeld by issuer
*150+ different notgeld issuers : (listing only – no scans)
*notgeld issuers (A – E)
*notgeld issuers : (F – K)
*notgeld issuers : (L – Q)
*notgeld issuers : (R – Z)
Schocken ( & Ury)
*notgeld issuers : (Financial & Banks)
*notgeld issuers : (Governance & Admin)
*Descriptive terms for ‘banknote / money’.
*notgeld obverse – no town of issue
Town names (spellings)
*Town names spelt out…..
*Town names (reversed)…..
Notgeld printers
*Notgeld printing companies – Intro.
*Notgeld printing companies – List
*Notgeld printing (A)
*Notgeld printing (B)
Notgeld by topic
A – F
Animals on notgeld
*Bees, beetles & ‘bugs’!
*different animals on notgeld (A – L)
*different animals on notgeld (M – Z)
*Artistic examples
*Bicycles on notgeld
*Brewery money
*Brown coal (‘Braunkohl’)
*Christmas & Santa
*Clock seller
*Notgeld issued for the collectors??
*coloured paper issues (German)
*Deutscher Michel
*The Devil on notgeld
*Notes designed to be folded
*The Food Shortage
G – L
*German Colonies
*Glass blowing on notgeld
*The ‘golden ass’
*Notgeld graphics in reality
*Hangings & Crucifixions
*German economy – Industry and Agriculture
*The Iron Cross
M – Q
*notgeld depicting MAPS
*notgeld with masonic symbols
*Modern notgeld
*Notated Music
*Owls on notgeld
*Pfenig / Pfennig / Pfennige / Pfennigen
* notgeld with pyramids
*Prison money
R – Z
*Biblical notgeld
*’Luther’ (theologian)
*Saints on notgeld
*reused notgeld designs
*different SHAPES of notgeld
*Skull and crossed bones on notgeld
*The sun, the moon & the stars etc.
*Torture & Punishment
*Treaty of Versailles & the ’14 point plan’
*Wagner – his operas & his ‘Festspielhaus’
*Windmills on notgeld
Other Info
A – L
*Altona – Jewish scientific association
*artist’s draft (rare)
*Annaberg 25m anteilscheine
*Bonds & Shares
Cancellations ‘Ungueltig’ and ‘Ungiltig’
*Pieces faded by the light…….
*Hermes – the winged messenger
*Hockersteuer (stool tax)!
M – Z
*Muster / specimen
*Anti-Semitic Reichsbanknotes
*Ruhrtaler pieces
*Translations & specific info.
*Treaty of Versailles & the ’14 point plan’
*Uncut sheets
*Useful notgeld info.
*useful additional info.
Notgeld Flip Books
*notgeld (general interest)
*rare pattern pieces (Hamm)
1pf increasing x10…..
*Herbert Bayer (Bauhaus) designed / inspired notes
notgeld beermats
*Modern Admission Tickets
*Very large sized Baustein
*TGM’s (b-n-w) images
Notgeld Calendar
*Birthday dated notgeld
Why join the GNCC?
notgeld info. in English
Website feedback from members
GNCC draw winners!
*GNCC members (not updated 01/07/2023) unpublished
*list of bad eBay sellers
Contact Me (general enquiries)
Contact Me (valuations)
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TGM’s GNCC notgeld Forum
What is notgeld?
Valuations from ‘’
Issues (German) – basic
*Issues (German) – detailed
Issues (non-German)
Issues (non German)
*Bohemia & Moravia
Italian notgeld
Latvian notgeld
External Website Links
The German ‘Mark’
Useful notgeld ‘glossary’
*German-Polish town names
*German / Danish notgeld
*German / Russian notgeld
*This piece is a modern forgery / replica
*German banknotes with advertisements
1914 & 1915
1914 & 1915 Intro.
1914 & 1915 Intro.
1914 & 1915 Intro (extra)
specific towns
*Grohn – RARE set from 1914
*private issues
*coloured private issues
*rectangular brown card pieces
*Similar designs on verk. issues
specific towns
A – L
*Ettal (Monastery)
*Koeln & Koeln-Dellbrueck – postage
M – Z
*Wildungen, Bad
*Wilkau (Max Planitzer)
Serienscheine Intro
Serienscheine Intro.
*Serienscheine Intro (extra)
series – general
*a ‘complete picture’ is created
*’Issue dates’ on serienscheine
*Plebiscite notgeld issues
*serienscheine variants
*variants – a basic list
*variants – info with pictures
*Similar designs on serienscheine
*Serial numbers
*Town names spelt out…..
Unissued drafts
*Schoetmar – unissued/draft notgeld!
*very scarce & rare pieces
*rare unpictured pieces
series – ‘people’
*notgeld artists
*List of notgeld artists
Notgeld artists (A-L)
*Notgeld artists (A)
*Notgeld artists (B)
*Notgeld artists (C)
*Notgeld artists (D)
*Notgeld artists (E)
*Notgeld artists (F)
*Notgeld artists (G)
*Notgeld artists (H)
*Notgeld artists (I – J)
*Notgeld artists (K)
*Notgeld artists (L)
Notgeld artists (M-Z)
*Notgeld artists (M)
*Notgeld artists (N)
*Notgeld artists (O)
*Notgeld artists (P-Q)
*Notgeld artists (R)
*Notgeld artists (S)
*Notgeld artists (T)
*Notgeld artists (U-V)
*Notgeld artists (W)
*Notgeld artists (X-Z)
*Notgeld artists (queries)
Specific artists (A-L)
*’Alfred Hanf’ book illustrator & artist
*’Franz Juettner’ (artist)
*’Georg Goldstein’
*’Georg Koetschau’ (artist)
*’Georg Schleinitz’ (artist)
*’Hans J Philipp’ (architect/artist)
*’Heinrich Appel’ (swindler)
*Heinz Schiestl (graphic artist)
Specific artists (M-Z)
*’Oskar Herrfurth’ (illustrator)
*’Wilhelm Busch’ (poet & cartoonist)
*’Willi Lange’ (artist)
*’Willi H Lippert’ (artist)
*’Konrad Hanf’ (printing house)
*’Louis Koch’ (printer)
Specific towns
towns (A – L)
*Ahaus – set of 2
*Altenburg (Skat series)
*Altona (comical set)
*Artern (Part 1) – Barchword en Odarn
*Artern (Part 2) – ‘Entente’
*Barntrup 1m design
Berlin – ‘Bund der Guten’
*Berlin – ‘Taegliche Rundschau’
*Bielefeld ‘RUBCHEN’ 6
*Bielefeld 2m & 5m notes
*Bismark set of 6
C – D
*Crefeld & Moenchengladbach
*Dermbach hiking club
*Detmold (rare)
*Doebeln (Ritter Staupitz-Geld)
*Elmshorn – story of money
*Freiburg (‘Passionsspiele’)
*Frose – puzzle pieces
*Geldern – ‘Gelderland’
*Glauchau – scarce
Goerlitz (round)
*Halle – Zoologischer Garten
*Hamm specimen pieces
*Horn – scenic rock formations
*Huettenhausen & Rheinhausen
I – J
*Iserlohn – a scarce set of 6!
*Luebeck – stamp exhibition notgeld
towns : (M – Z)
*Magdeburg (Herrenabend)
*Memel (Klaipeda) – warning!!
*Muenster (hotel & kaffee Kaiserhof)
N – O
*Neuhaus (Wfl).
*Neustadt (depicting German colonies)
*Nuernberg (Nuremberg)!
*Nuernberg (rare)
*Oldenburg i. O.
*Oldesloe, Bad
P – R
*Schoetmar – 3 mark pieces
*Stralsund – ‘spielkarton’
*Stuttgart (Koenigsdragoner)
*Sulza, Bad
T – V
*Thale (AS) pieces
W – Z
*Warnitz – German/Danish
*Artistic examples
*Anti-Semitic (AS)…..or NOT!!
*Baustein from Rathenow
*Chess pieces
*Error notes
*Jungdo issues
*’Kleinscheck’ pieces/sets – part 1
*’Kleinscheck’ pieces/sets – part 2
*Red Cross issues (Rotes Kreuz)
*’splittable’ notgeld
*’Steel Helmet’ organisations
*Unissued printer drafts – ‘ghost towns’
*’The white lady’
Series overprints
*Series overprints (OVP’s) – A
*Series overprints (OVP’s) – B
*Used serienscheine
Nate’s serienscheine catalogue
Grossgeld 1918-21
Grossgeld Intro.
*Grossgeld – a common graphic (A)
*Grossgeld – a common graphic (B)
*Similar designs on ‘Grossgeld’ (1918)
specific towns
A – L
*Buss (Saar) – payday vouchers!
*Duesseldorf – ‘cheque’ banknotes
*Koeln ‘MUSTER W.P.&C’ (1918) notes
M – Z
*Marienburg Westpr.
*Neustadt a.d.Orla
*Offenburg (Kahla overprints)!
*Ruhla (Grossgeld 1918)
*Stralsund (oddity)!!
Inflation 1922
Inflation 1922 Intro
specific towns
*Bielefeld 1000m (paper)
*Heidelberg (1922)
*Konstanz Am Bodensee
*Gotha 1922 issues
Inflation 1923
Inflation 1923 Intro
specific towns / banks
A – G
*Annaberg (‘Altershilfe’)
*Bergzabern 500,000m
*Duelken – ‘carnival’!!
*Duisburg (‘Kupferhuette’)
*Gross-Salze / Schoenebeck
H – L
*Hameln Inflation notes
*Herbolzheim – special paper
*Itzehoe – Wenzel Hablik
*Kusel – star punched pieces
*Laegerdorf (BPCF)
*Leverkusen (BAYER) Paint Factory
*Ludwigshafen BASF overprints (A)
*Ludwigshafen BASF overprints (B)
M – R
*Mainz (‘Katholisches’)
*Meissen (paper notes)
*Meissen (on hand-made paper)
*Mosbach – ‘OVP’ (overprinted / revalued)
*Neustadt an der Aisch
*Neustadt (clock-seller)
*Neu-Ulm – print error
S – Z
*Saulgau (AOK issues)
*Stormarn / Wandsbek (Swan)
*Fingerprint ‘signature’
*Dynamite (Nobel)!
*GSG (Saxony Giro issues)
*Gutschein des Reichspostministeriums
*Inflation cancellations
*Inflation overprints
* ‘Billions’!
*’Herbert Bayer’ (Bauhaus graphic designer)
*Similar designs on Inflation issues
Wertbestaendige Intro.
*commodities (Intro)
*commodities – (full list?)
*Why are notes in amounts of Rye?
specific towns
*Glogau ‘share’ notgeld
*Hamburg (Maizena)
*Meissen (goldmarks)
*Oldenburg (rye)
Rye issuing authorities
*Roggenscheine (Rye) Intro.
*Angermuende ‘roggenscheine’
*Neubrandenburg ‘roggenscheine’
Stamp like pieces
*Passau stamp-like pieces
‘KGL’ / ‘P.O.W’
‘KGL’ / ‘P.O.W’ Intro
notgeld 1945-1948
*Notgeld issues of 1945-1948
*New notgeld categories
Austrian Notgeld
Austrian notgeld Intro
specific towns
*Altenburg (‘Totenschein’)
*Altenmarkt (postcards)
*Eisenerz – Alpine Mining (prisoners)!
*St. Georgen im Attergau
*St. Martin – blocks of 4!
*Schoenberg (rare)!!
*’joke’ notgeld
*Ration cards (Austrian)
*reused card (Austrian)
*reused paper (Austrian)
*wallpaper (Austrian)
Notgeld by ‘material’
*List of materials used
A – L
*Aluminium foil
*notgeld coal coins
Leather pieces
*Leather pieces
*Poessneck (leather for shoes)!!
M – Z
*Porcelain coins
*Pressed card
*Railway ticket
*reused card
*clocking-in card
*ration cards
*Shares certificate
*reused paper
*reused paper intro.
*Calendar pages
*Lottery ticket
*wicker goods brochure pages (Lichtenfels)
*Spielkarten (playing cards)
*Unusual paper types
*wooden notgeld
STOFFGELD (Bielefeld material pieces)
(not goldmarks)
*Bielefeld Intro.
*Bielefeld linen 25m (red, blue & black)
*The ‘healing pool’ note
*Blfld 100m – a study
*Bielefeld 100m notes
*Bielefeld 100m embroidered note
*Bielefeld 1000m pieces
*Bielefeld 10000m graphics
*Blfld ‘Kurrent’ script
*Bielefeld stamp marks
*silver colouring on stoffgeld
*Bielefeld 1 goldmark
*Velvet (extra info.)
*Bielefeld 2 characters
*notgeld – non paper, not Band 9
Notgeld by issuer
*150+ different notgeld issuers : (listing only – no scans)
*notgeld issuers (A – E)
*notgeld issuers : (F – K)
*notgeld issuers : (L – Q)
*notgeld issuers : (R – Z)
Schocken ( & Ury)
*notgeld issuers : (Financial & Banks)
*notgeld issuers : (Governance & Admin)
*Descriptive terms for ‘banknote / money’.
*notgeld obverse – no town of issue
Town names (spellings)
*Town names spelt out…..
*Town names (reversed)…..
Notgeld printers
*Notgeld printing companies – Intro.
*Notgeld printing companies – List
*Notgeld printing (A)
*Notgeld printing (B)
Notgeld by topic
A – F
Animals on notgeld
*Bees, beetles & ‘bugs’!
*different animals on notgeld (A – L)
*different animals on notgeld (M – Z)
*Artistic examples
*Bicycles on notgeld
*Brewery money
*Brown coal (‘Braunkohl’)
*Christmas & Santa
*Clock seller
*Notgeld issued for the collectors??
*coloured paper issues (German)
*Deutscher Michel
*The Devil on notgeld
*Notes designed to be folded
*The Food Shortage
G – L
*German Colonies
*Glass blowing on notgeld
*The ‘golden ass’
*Notgeld graphics in reality
*Hangings & Crucifixions
*German economy – Industry and Agriculture
*The Iron Cross
M – Q
*notgeld depicting MAPS
*notgeld with masonic symbols
*Modern notgeld
*Notated Music
*Owls on notgeld
*Pfenig / Pfennig / Pfennige / Pfennigen
* notgeld with pyramids
*Prison money
R – Z
*Biblical notgeld
*’Luther’ (theologian)
*Saints on notgeld
*reused notgeld designs
*different SHAPES of notgeld
*Skull and crossed bones on notgeld
*The sun, the moon & the stars etc.
*Torture & Punishment
*Treaty of Versailles & the ’14 point plan’
*Wagner – his operas & his ‘Festspielhaus’
*Windmills on notgeld
Other Info
A – L
*Altona – Jewish scientific association
*artist’s draft (rare)
*Annaberg 25m anteilscheine
*Bonds & Shares
Cancellations ‘Ungueltig’ and ‘Ungiltig’
*Pieces faded by the light…….
*Hermes – the winged messenger
*Hockersteuer (stool tax)!
M – Z
*Muster / specimen
*Anti-Semitic Reichsbanknotes
*Ruhrtaler pieces
*Translations & specific info.
*Treaty of Versailles & the ’14 point plan’
*Uncut sheets
*Useful notgeld info.
*useful additional info.
Notgeld Flip Books
*notgeld (general interest)
*rare pattern pieces (Hamm)
1pf increasing x10…..
*Herbert Bayer (Bauhaus) designed / inspired notes
notgeld beermats
*Modern Admission Tickets
*Very large sized Baustein
*TGM’s (b-n-w) images
Notgeld Calendar
*Birthday dated notgeld
Why join the GNCC?
notgeld info. in English
Website feedback from members
GNCC draw winners!
*GNCC members (not updated 01/07/2023) unpublished
*list of bad eBay sellers
Contact Me (general enquiries)
Contact Me (valuations)
Lost password