TGM (Aug. 2020)

I hope everyone is coping as best they can, in our world-wide situation with Covid19. Stay safe and sensible.

The past month has seen great in-roads for my new book project. Getting the professional translations, graphics and stories behind many of the depicted notes is very time consuming……but I hope my efforts will be welcomed by the non-German speaking notgeld collector community. I think it is over 50% complete now, which is a nice milestone to reach in one’s mind, when taking on a project like this. I’m still keeping the topic secret…….until I formally publish the book.

New articles and posts have been added to my notgeld website, which continues to grow into a fantastic resource for all notgeld collectors. The latest article is on the gorgeous looking notes from Altrahlstedt. The article on notes issued in Hamm is very interesting to and has allowed me to depict some quite scarce pieces. For all my GNCC members, just login on the site and then please take a look.

Some lovely pieces have been added to my shop recently, taken from my personal collection and stock. I always welcome questions about my notgeld pieces and if a deal can be done, then that’s great. I am always looking for new German Notgeld Collectors’ Club (GNCC) members, so if you are only just starting out with an interest in these pieces, you are in the right place, for sure!! You might be a collector who has a few of these notes in your collection and wants to know more about them. Notgeld collecting is a very specialised collecting arena so if you just enjoy knowing more about the issues, contact me and we can discuss how I might be able to help you with your collecting and collection. I have picked up some really nice notes lately and I know the notgeld collecting and research passion is still with me, after nearly 47 years now! If you are a new visitor to my notgeld website, why not send me an email and say hello? Happy Collecting everyone!