Issues (German) – basic

    *  5,500 varieties of 1914, issued by 452 places.
    * 36,000 varieties of 1915-1922, small value notes (kleingeld), issued by 3,658 places.
    * 5,000 varieties of 1918-1919, larger denominations (grossgeld), issued by 579 places.
    * 4,000 varieties of 1922, between 100 & 1000Mk, issued by 800 places.
    * 70,000 varieties of 1923, inflationary notes, issued by 5,849 places.
    * 3,660 varieties of 1923/4 notes of constant value (wertbestandiges), issued by 562 places.
    * 3,000 varieties of P.O.W.notes, issued by 600 issuing locations.

These figures are based on the findings of Dr. Arnold Keller, a collector, then dealer, then author of notgeld related books, who died in Berlin in December 1972. Any true collector of notgeld will have undoubtedly, come across his name. If you take all types of major varieties into account, then the number, I have heard, is more like 163,000 in total.

If you consider everything that is known today (2015), the total number of different issuing offices is now considered to be around 20,000, with the Berlin Deutsche Reichsbahn being one of the biggest issuers with nearly 4000 different notes. The total of all different notgeld including ALL variants (serial numbers, fonts, sizes, signatures, dates, colours etc) from all issuing offices is probably going to be around 1 ,000,000. The vast majority of these very large numbers are the hyper-inflationary notes of 1923.

    * Serienscheine basic issues, listed by K.Lindman in his ‘Band 1: Grundausgaben’ catalogue……………..8810 notes.


*notgeld coal coins

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