TGM (Jan. 2021)

I wish all my fellow collectors a Happy New Year for 2021!!! Let’s hope the situation with COVID-19 is much improved as the year goes on and that the vaccine is successful across the world.

My new notgeld book entitled ‘COMICAL GEMS‘ is my real important highlight for 2021. I have already sold a few copies so I hope that continues throughout the year. It really is a great publication to have and goes well with the other previously published ones I have out there. Lots of hard work has gone into creating this latest notgeld book of mine and the information it contains will greatly help and improve notgeld collectors and colleagues around the world. I will also be continuing to research interesting looking pieces and creating articles about them, that I will upload to this website, so all the passionate notgeld collectors will hopefully be able to improve their notgeld knowledge and even possibly purchase a few of the featured pieces from my notgeld shop. Good luck for 2021 and I hope your collections grow and improve.